Friday, November 10, 2017

Fred Zinnemann's Kid Glove Killer (1942)

Kid Glove Killer is a crisp and efficient MGM B film about a corrupt America town, where the DA murders the mayor in order to cover up his own corruption.  The DA, played by the sleazy Lee Bowman, courts lab assistant Marsha Hunt while lab technician Van Heflin uses every technical and analytical tool of the time to track down the murderer.  The DA tries to frame a diner owner who tried to complain to the mayor about a shakedown because when he originally tried to go to the police they passed on the information to the mob and the diner owner took quite a beating. This pessimistic film is something of a precursor to the postwar film noir; it was written by John C. Higgins, who later wrote T-Men (1947) and Raw Deal (1948) for Anthony Mann.

Marsha Hunt plays a low-key and intelligent lab investigator, hard-working and intelligent, the kind of woman rare in contemporary films; she later was blacklisted and worked mostly in TV.  The film was the first film directed by Fred Zinnemann, who started our making shorts, and directed another intelligent crime film (Act of Violence, 1949) before going on to direct High Noon, the Western for people who don't like Westerns, and the bloated Oscar-bait and white elephants From Here to Eternity (1953)and A Man for All Seasons.(1965).

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